November 16, 2014

Moving Forward

Designing, editing, publishing and amassing the results of the C2015 survey was more like a marathon than a 5K. It took more than a month, and a lot of effort from everyone who steps up for union work. But everyone pressed hard, and you responded with many of the answers our MEC seeks to move ahead with the next step in achieving Contract 2015. Some of us are wondering, “Now what?”

“Now what?” involves a lot of moving parts, but it always involves moving forward toward our contract negotiations. The services at ALPA National that produced the contract survey have ensured that the data is both secure and valid. The pilots of the Negotiating Committee have organized your responses in preparation for the MEC special meeting on November 18 and 19, where they will present the results to our reps.

“Now what?” also applies to every Delta pilot who will fly under C2015. The contract survey is important because it has the broadest reach as a source of direction from line pilots, but that shouldn’t make it the only source of direction. Keep the information flowing to your reps, stay alert to everything that happens along the way, and continue to participate in the process. 

September 18, 2014


Update on the Air France Pilot Strike

Today the strike by the Air France pilots enters its fourth day over their company’s desire to redirect assets to its low-cost subsidiary, Transavia. ALPA is in direct contact with Air France pilot union leaders, and is receiving regular updates. In this True Headings we will provide insights on the current situation and how labor unions work at Air France, review the unique work stoppage protective provisions in our PWA, and correct yet more misinformation from the individuals calling themselves the “DPA”.

First, some background on French labor law, and specifically the pilot union situation at Air France. There are significant differences in labor law between the United States and France. The French Constitution guarantees freedom of association to a liberal extent, and more than one union can have bargaining rights for the same class of employees at a company. In the case of Air France, several unions represent its pilots and the number of supporters each union holds within the pilot group determines the place it has at the bargaining table.

Today, Air France employs approximately 3,700 pilots. About 75 percent of the Air France pilots belong to one of several unions, and union affiliation is not required. The largest of the unions, representing about 2,700 pilots is Syndicat National des Pilotes de Ligne, commonly referred to as SNPL. The other significant unions on the property are SPAF (representing approximately 300 pilots) and Alter (representing about 50). Unaffiliated and affiliated pilots can vote for collective labor agreements, and pilots can vote across union lines for the corporate board seat reserved for the pilot representative. As an example, this summer an SPAF member was elected to be the pilot’s representative to the corporate board for the current term. And if you think that is complicated, then hang on.


August 17, 2013

Update on the Court Hearing


In the past, we have identified and countered the misrepresentations and omissions of the DPA. Their organizers’ habitual exaggeration has never been more apparent than the latest DPA update on the alleged hacking matter. In its latest account of the hearing before Judge Hellerstein, DPA makes the claim that it “achieved great success in court.” DPA won no victories in court on Thursday, August 14th and in fact, the court expressed considerable skepticism about the motives and validity of the hacking litigation.

Let’s be perfectly and unequivocally clear. Neither ALPA International, the Delta MEC, nor any ALPA committee had anything to do with whatever happened to the DPA website in November 2013. ALPA had nothing to do with DPA’s web issues. The DPA, with both subpoena power and access to their own accounts could have easily by now provided a detailed account of what actually happened to their website. What we should all be asking is “why not?" 

