Economic & Financial Analysis
ALPA's Economic and Financial Analysis (E&FA) Department is unique among labor unions. With a staff of professionals, this department combined has well over 100 years of hands-on experience in evaluating pilot collective bargaining agreements and analyzing airline business plans, strategies, and financial data.
E&FA puts you on an even playing field with management when discussing financial matters and ensures that proper valuation is given to any economic contract proposal as it is negotiated. Non-ALPA carriers, both in the U.S. and abroad, often seek ALPA's E&FA services because no other entity in the financial analysis market can compare. The E&FA staff is distinguished by broad airline experience through analyzing business plans and valuing contracts at all ALPA-represented airlines.
The National Mediation Board and airline managements across the board can vouch for the expertise of ALPA's E&FA. In fact, management and/or the NMB have often agreed to depend solely on E&FA calculations during negotiations. Pilot leaderships at other ALPA airlines, as well as at foreign airlines, strongly rely on E&FA's expert advice and analyses.
Provides All Negotiating Committees with Accurate Contract Valuation:
Supports the Delta negotiating committee with expert valuation of all economic proposals in contract negotiations.
Employs a former pilot to ensure full understanding and appreciation for work-rule intricacies and interrelationships.
Provides Expert Financial Analyses of Company Business Plans:
Analyzes Delta’s financial results, business plans, and projections, as well as those from other ALPA properties and selected non-ALPA airlines in North America and several foreign airlines to give a full and robust picture of the aviation industry.
Provides Delta pilots with the proper financial and economic background arguments necessary to obtain contract improvements.
Provides Expert Testimony in Federal Court and Arbitrations:
Testifies as expert witnesses on airline economics and finance and pilot collective bargaining agreements at several difficult court hearings, including Section 1113 filings under the U.S. bankruptcy code.
Provides expert testimony in several broad-based arbitrations on a wide variety of issues such as back-pay calculations for improperly terminated pilots, disputes regarding calculations of profit-sharing and interpretation of contract provisions, and in several interest arbitrations.
Provides expert testimony on your behalf in arbitration cases, including those involving Parity +1, transfer of flying and force majeure -- protecting your flying, your income, and your career.
Developed Extensive Databases on Pilot- and Industry-Specific Information:
Developed and maintains a database of pay rates and other contract provisions for all ALPA carriers, and select non-ALPA carriers, which allows Delta pilot leaders and negotiating committee members to easily evaluate their collective bargaining agreement.
Creates a continuously updated full-language contract database, complete with key word search capability, helping your MEC and negotiating committee to properly prepare for negotiations.
Established databases of DOT Form 41 traffic and financial data, dating back to 1978, used to analyze pilot costs and other information.